

Criffer is a Brazilian manufacturer and supplier of environmental monitoring equipments. Established in 2004, Criffer has the most complete line of occupational health instruments in Brazil, that meets all the requirements of national and international laws and standards, providing high-technology and accuracy for our customers.

We develop instruments for evaluation of many risk factors such as vibration, chemical agents, heat stress, noise levels, confined space, etc.

All of them with one single software, the Criffer Suite!

Criffer Suite combines the latest technology with easy and intuitive operation to obtain your reports.

Criffer is not only a brand! 

Criffer represents the class of technicians, engineers and academics aimed at occupational health. Currently in Brazil and Latin America, we have a big influence in the industry due to our technical training program "Criffer Experience" and our participation in the biggest work safety and ocuppational health fairs in the country.

Our laboratory provides an excelent technical assistantance and calibration service for Criffer instruments and other brands, always with spare parts in our stock to replace a demaged one rapidly.